Easter Service 2024
Blue Whale class opened our Easter Service with a parade of colourful Easter bonnets. Whilst the children walked up and down the aisles, the whole school sang 'Do you like my Easter Bonnet?'
Church Council explained the symbols of Easter, which included the cross, hot cross buns, as well as daffodils and lilies.
Zebra class shared Easter traditions from around the world.
In Greece, eggs are dyed red and on Easter Sunday families play a game called ‘Tsougrisma’ where they try to break each other’s eggs.
In Bermuda, people fly kites to symbolise the rising of Christ.
In El Salvador, people go to church and take part in processions to remember Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection. Candles are carried as a sign of light.
Tiger class started the account of Holy Week by waving their palms as they sand 'The Donkey Song' which told of Jesus' arrival into Jerusalem on a donkey on Palm Sunday.
Panda and Polar Bear classes, using images from from the Ethiopian artist Nebiyu Assefa, told the events of Maundy Thursday through to Easter Sunday i.e. The Last Supper to The Empty Tomb.
Using different coloured ribbons and drama, Puffin class recapped the Easter story. Each coloured ribbon represented a different event e.g purple represented Jesus being arrested by soldiers.
For Christians, the resurrection is the belief that Jesus came back to life three days after he died on the cross. Leopard shared the Resurrection Poem by Bob Hartman to conclude the service.