Take One Picture
All children in King William Street Primary school have taken part in the National Gallery Take One Picture event to hopefully inspire a lifelong love of art and learning.
This year’s painting ‘Surprised’ by Henri Rousseau captivated and inspired the children. Firstly listening to soundscapes and stories before even setting eyes upon the painting gave way to their imagination. Time was given to submerge themselves into looking closely at the painting and critic.
“I like the detail and the effort that’s gone into it but I don’t like the fact that it is quite monotone and is mostly just different shades of green.” “I like the painting because the texture of the rain and the stripe of the tiger.”
Children took their own inspirations ranging from looking at different foliage of the jungle, the destruction of tiger’s habitats and why is the tiger surprised? Creatively the children produced a fantastic range of cross curriculum ideas from poems, diary entries, prints, ceramics and paintings.
''I have been able to use my skills in drawing and develop them in my own way."
“I have loved being able to choose whatever I want to do to show my creativity."
“I definitely want to do Take One Picture again next year”.
During the summer, our 'Take One Picture' work was exhibited at Central Library in Swindon.